It’s time for learning and lots of fun!
Play safe, free, online games with your favorite Bible characters. Test your memory, practice coloring, and challenge yourself – all while having a blast and learning at the same time.
Connect the Dots
Cross Word Puzzles
- Sheet 1: David And Goliath
- Sheet 2: Jesus’ Resurrection
- Sheet 3: Noah’s Ark
- Sheet 4: Prodigal Son
- Sheet 5: Match it up
- Sheet 1: Jesus’ Birth
- Sheet 2: Jesus’ Birth
- Sheet 3: Jesus’ Resurrection
- Sheet 4: Loaves and Fish
- Sheet 5: Prodigal Son
- Sheet 6: Twelve Sons
- Sheet 7: Ten Rules
- Sheet 8: 12 Disciples
Search and Find
Coloring Sheets
- Book (multi-paged)
- Sheet 01: Cover
- Sheet 02: Jesus with the children
- Sheet 03: Moses crosses the Red Sea
- Sheet 04: Adam and Eve in the garden
- Sheet 05: God made the world
- Sheet 06: Elephant helps Noah clean the Ark
- Sheet 07: Big fish spits Jonah onto the shore
- Sheet 08: The Good Samaritan helps the hurt man
- Sheet 09: The Good Shepherd finds his lost sheep
- Sheet 10: The Angel protects Daniel
- Sheet 11: Noah and the Ark
- Sheet 12: Baby Jesus is born
- Sheet 13: The True King
- Sheet 14: Heaven
- Sheet 15: Jesus is Risen
- Sheet 16: The Last Supper
- Sheet 17: Joesph’s Coat
- Sheet 18: Noah’s Ark
- Sheet 19: Mary and Joesph Travel
- Sheet 20: Angels Good News
- Sheet 21: Disciples In Storm
- Sheet 22: Queen Esther
- Sheet 23: John Baptizes
- Sheet 24: Mary Anoints Jesus
- Sheet 25: Mary Praises God
- Sheet 26: Servant Pours Water
- Sheet 27: Widows Offering
- Sheet 28: Jonah Swallowed
- Sheet 29: Sermon On the Mount
- Sheet 30: David and Goliath
- Sheet 31: Fiery Furnace
- Sheet 32: Jericho
- Sheet 33: Jesus Walk On Water
- Sheet 34: Loaves of Fish
- Sheet 35: Nebuchadnezzar
- Sheet 36: Sarah and Abraham
- Sheet 37: Sermon On the Mount
- Sheet 38: Solomon’s Temple
- Sheet 39: The Burning Bush
- Sheet 40: Honor the Lord
Maze Activities
- Maze 1: Noah’s Ark
- Maze 2: Jonah & the Big Fish
- Maze 3: Mary & Joseph and the Manger
- Maze 4: Moses & the Ten Commandments
- Maze 5: Adam and Eve
- Maze 6: Jesus’ Birth
- Maze 7: Noah’s Ark
- Maze 8: Promise Land Pathway